Retails for $49.95US 
Special Features: Completely online. You have thirty days to have
others complete this on you anonymously. At the end of this time you
get a full report with a comparison of how you see
yourself compared to others. The ultimate communications,
Then call
relationship and team tool that you need. You can
one of our Coaches
access this for 60

Leadership12 Developmental Profile
is a 360 degree assessment
that takes a look at 12 critical
qualities needed and what to do to
improve your competencies. Retails
for $69.95 US.

The profile consists of 62 statements
that take about 10 minutes to complete. After you complete the profile
you’ll receive an extensive personalized Report. This is a full 360
degree profile. You may invite unlimited numbers of people to rate your
leadership effectiveness.
If you are a coach, this product is a less threatening 360 for clients as
it focuses on qualities as opposed to absolute skill sets.
Take it now.
(Scroll down until you
find the appropriate link.)

InsightMirror 360™
degree assessment is based on eight
leadership abilities that are demonstrated by outstanding leaders. The
InsightMirror 360 survey is designed to assist participants in identifying
and emulating those leadership abilities that
will lead to overall peak performance.
Retails for
$175.00 US.
you are a coach, this is a product you
might want to seriously consider. This full 360 degree profile does
provide the opportunity for qualitative general comments based on three
questions that the client is interested in obtaining extra information.
For coaches, team charts on strengths and gaps can also be easily created.
Normative data and comparisons are available.
Take it now.
(Scroll down until you
find the correct link.)

for $69.95US Introductory
Price is $59.95
Special Features: Completely online. You have thirty days to have
others complete this on you
anonymously. At the end of this time you get a full report with a
comparison of how you see yourself
compared to others.
Take it now.
(Scroll down
until you find the correct link.)
The DISC is the universal language of
behavior. Research has shown that behavioral characteristics can be
grouped together in four major divisions called personality styles. People
with similar styles tend to exhibit specific behavioral characteristics
common to that style. All people share these four styles in varying
degrees of intensity. The acronym DISC stands for the four personality
styles represented by the letters: D (Drive), I (Influence), S
(Steadiness), and C (Compliance).

Upon completing the
TeamGoals online assessment, you receive your in-depth
GoalCentrix Effective Execution
Assessment™ Report.
Retails for $19.95US
Take it now.
(Scroll down until you
find the right link.)
It describes the tendencies you or
your team display when setting and accomplishing your goals and
activities. The assessment provides tips on how you and your team can
improve your ability to execute effectively, thus improving your success!

In less than ten minutes with
Strong Suit, you’ll identify your strengths and talents. Once
you identify yourself as Hare, Owl, Turtle or a combination of those
three, you'll have the key to bypassing wars in your office by using the
strengths and talents of everyone on your team.
Retails for $19.95US
Take it now.
(Scroll down until you
find the right link.)

ART of Time program will lead you through a 60-item survey that
will help you Analyze your time management skills and habits on twelve
different Time Management topics:

Team Time
Personal Time
After completing the survey, you will print
out a Report that helps you understand the results of your
Analysis. Your Report describes your current time habits and skills that
are serving you well. You will also learn about opportunities to improve
how you use your time and how to perform better.
Retails for $39.95US
Take it now.
(Scroll down until you
find the right link.)

Retails for $24.95US
Personal Style Indicator (PSI) Online Access Codes (English) CLICK HERE TO ORDER

Personal Style Indicator™ is a fun, fast-paced tool
that helps you better
your own personality style and how it “fits” in the world around
you. It is not a test that can be passed or failed. In fact, it’s
completely self-administered and self-scoring – no one needs to know its
answers but you!
Sales Style Indicator (SSI) Online Access Codes (English)  CLICK HERE TO ORDER
The Sales Style Indicator can assist
you to: Identify your basic Sales Style of responding to prospects,
clients and to Sales tasks; Identify the strengths and limitations of your
Sales Style when relating with prospects and clients; Identify your
typical reactions to sales stress and pressure and learn how to compensate
for your weaknesses; Develop a plan to increase your Sales Style
flexibility and effectiveness during sales calls with prospects and
clients; and Facilitate sales team development through the careful
assessment of team member strengths.

Identify where you stand in the 32 vital
skills of successful selling. In each of the eight
primary sales competencies, this assessment identifies which are your
strengths and which may be holding you back.
The Eight
Competencies of Relationship Selling are:
to Sell: Build and Sustain Sales Readiness.
Target the Right Prospects: Identify Who, How and When
To Make Contact.
Connect with the Person: Establish Truthful
Communication, Build Trust.
Assess the Needs: Understand The Needs Of The Person
And Their Situation.
Solve the Main Problem: Cause The Person To Experience
The Value You Bring.
Commit to the Sale
: Confirm That A
Purchase Has Been Made.
Assure Satisfaction: See That The Customer Remains
Satisfied With Their Decision.
Manage Your Sales Potential: Lead, Motivate and Grow
Retails for $69.95US
Take it now.
(Scroll down until you
find the right link.)

Retails for $19.95US
Take it now.
(Scroll down until you
find the appropriate link.)
Over the past 25 years,
True Colors™
has been used in dozens of industries, associations, and thousands of
school and colleges.
The True Colors™ metaphor has been developed from the work of David
Keirsey who refined the work of Myers-Briggs. It translates his theory
into simple and practically applied information. It brings complex ideas
out of both academia and psychotherapy and sets them in clear, real-life
Try this free short version first.
(This free mini version may not be available for long.)
Try this free
short version first.
The Enneagram of Personality Types is a modern
synthesis of a number of ancient wisdom traditions. The nine points
on the circumference are also connected with each other by the inner lines
of the Enneagram. To grasp the significance of these diagrams
and the relationship between them, we must remember that the system was
designed primarily to help elucidate the relationship between "essence"
and personality, or ego. A full report will cost $10.00
Take the free MAPP Assessment!
What are your true motivations , top vocational areas and
work preferences? This assessment will help
you look and plan in the right direction according to your own personal
aptitudes. Typically, you can expect to spend 96,400 hours working in
your lifetime. The average worker changes careers eight times.
Here is a way to help you determine if you are in or heading towards the
right type of work and job for you. After you take the free mini MAPP, you
can opt for a more comprehensive package to fit your needs.
Retails for $22.95US
Learning Style Indicator (LSI) Online Access Codes CLICK HERE TO ORDER
do you feel when you understand something totally new? Imagine your
children, clients, employees, or yourself learning anything with ease. The
Learning Style Indicator (LSI) addresses the way people
learn. It empowers your mind to learn or the minds of your clients.

Retails for $13.95US
 Stress Indicator and Health Planner (SIHP) Online Access Codes CLICK HERE TO ORDER
Do you know anyone with a little STRESS? Stress and Health
are two topics that affect everyone. The Stress Indicator and Health
Planner (SIHP) assesses your clients’ current level of stress and
health. Use it to understand how to enhance overall well-being, manage
stress, and improve performance. Life is too short to die from a heart
attack at the halfway mark!

Retails for $12.95US
 Values Preference Indicator (VPI) Online Access Codes CLICK HERE TO ORDER
Leaders make wise yet surprisingly quick decisions. How?
They know their Core Values beforehand. When you understand what your
values are, confusion disappears and inner clarity develops. The
Values Preference Indicator (VPI) identifies those core values.
When you know someone else’s Core Values and can match them with your own,
you can build trust and understanding. You may have the right person for
the right job; now can you TRUST him or her? Find out how much.